
RDA NACO examples

Page history last edited by Sherman Clarke 11 years, 2 months ago

No guarantees that these examples are RIGHT but you can exercise cataloger judgment and learn something from them even if you want to quarrel with them too. They are merely records that I thought were telling as well the first examples of new or revised name authority records that I did. You can certainly add another example to this table if you want. If you don't have edit permission and want it, ask. If you want me to add the example, send it to me by email: sherman.clarke@gmail.com


Heading  LCCN                
Acres, Ethan nr2002009570 decided to consider "acceptable for RDA" though one could argue for including $c Rev.
Architekturjahrbuch Graz Steiermark no2012155714
Arnold, Daniel, 1980- no2013123318 373 Instagram (Firm) (we agree this is a little slippery; he's an Instagram photographer but we don't have a subject or genre term for that)
Baucum, Dale no2013060358 370 $v Facebook page ...
Becker, Joseph, 1984 no2013141353 670 don't need to repeat usage because irrelevant (info from email)
Berghold, Gundi, 1962- no2012143859
Biennial of the Young Artists of Europe and Mediterranean n 2002097716 recurring exhibition (collective) 
Brandts (Art center) no2013098326 510s for "Hierarchical subordinate" bodies
Burger, Barrie, 1950- no2013025710 374 Horse whisperer
Butler, Brad no2007150021 372 Social practice in contemporary art; 373 no.w.here
Caspar, Barbara no2009064253  
Castle, James, 1900-1977 nr 00030916 372  Deaf--Means of communication $2 lcsh
Catalog (Pavelhaus) no2012155532 series 
Cerniauskaite, Neringa no2012149933
diacritics not shown; 374 justified by $u
Crandall, Jordan, 1958- nr 00010509 046 $f [1958, 1960] $2 edtf
Dabernig, Josef no2006105878  
Dabovic Pejovic, Mirjana n 86119553 diacritics not shown; 400 $w nne; COBISS/OPAC 670
Edmondson, William, 1882?-1951 n 85006329 046  $f [1870~, 1874, 1882, 1883?] $g 1951-02-07 $2 edtf
Farmanfarmaian, Monir Shahroudy, 1924- n 2006082192  
Fend, Peter nr 95008034  
Fernandez, Rafael (Photographer) nb2012019714  
Fink, Josef, 1941-1999 n 92010394  
Fleury, Sylvie, 1961- nr 97011878  
Franckenstein, Frauke no2012148151
Gächter, Sven n 97848404  
Galerie Eugen Lendl n 98065632  
Galerie Figl n 00016524  
García Roldán, Kike, 1954- no2012148148
670 BNE database, no authority record or VIAF but usage 
Griffin, Ron, 1938- no2013052352 374  African American artists $2 lcsh
Hainzl, Joachim, 1968- no2012150484
$u to justify 046, 370, 375
Hartlauer, Fritz, 1919-1985 no2012150488  
Heller, Andreas, 1978- no2012148150
Henderson, Victor, 1939- no2013051623 374 with $2 lcsh and $2 aat
International Architectural Exhibition n 85057075 recurring exhibition 
Kibla Art Gallery (Maribor, Slovenia) n 2003007032  
KIBLA (Arts center) no2012160791


Kipper Kids (Group of artists) nr 98017336 500s to Routh and Von Haselberg (and vice versa)
Kopljar, Zlatko, 1962- no2012140864  
Koslitsch, Ernst, 1977- no2012150494
Krištof, Andreas n 2007035128

BnF has nationality Australia (probably should be Austria); 373 examples

Kurniawan, Agung no2004094020 artist, b. 1968; differentiate from the following
Kurniawan, Agung, 1968- no2010013869 political scientist, also b. 1968; differentiate from the previous
Laumann, Andrew, 1987- no2013068293 670 Facebook announcement
Lecomte, Tatiana, 1971- no2013012911  
Leeb, Franziska no2010156270  
Mitchell, Robin, 1939- no2013055413  373 Feminist Art Program
Moseler, Günter no2003019586  
Museum of Modern Art film library series n 2002047810 series 
Museum of Modern Art papers on architecture no2007050081 series 
Nengudi, Senga, 1943- no2013057395 372 controlled and 374 Performance artist $a Installation artist
Neue Galerie (Vienna, Austria) n 86092273  
Neue Galerie Wien no2012148152
046 uncertain dates
Nikolaj kirche (Copenhagen, Denmark) n 83037047 later name: Nikolaj kunsthal
Nikolaj kunsthal no2012143848
earlier name: Nikolaj kirche
Pennington, Anne, 1934-1981 n 80005215  
Pfaffenbichler, Norbert nr2005010583


Raqs Media Collective (Organization) no 00072793
368 Organization; 368 Group of artists
Rees, Simon, 1972- no2004036538 373 justified by $u 
Regionale (Festival) no2012155731
recurring exhibition (collective); earlier name: Steirische Landesausstellung
Regionale (Festival) (2008) no2012155730
recurring exhibition (instance)
Roberts, Derek, 1978- no2012143856
370 justified by $u
Ruiss, Gerhard n 85195974 374 long (6 $a) 
Scher, Julia n 94040923 370: born in Hollywood, lives in Boston, New York, and Cologne 
Schreiber, Lotte, 1971- no2012148149
Schuster, Klaus, 1964- no2012143855
Shirayamadani, Kitaro no2007059545 375 with $v text describing website and $u with URI
Slaughter, Michael (Photographer) nb2012012005 372 Public houses; 373 Great British Beer Festival 
Smid, Aina nb2008006059 diacritics not shown
Steirische Landesausstellung nr 88004320 later name: Regionale (Festival)
Stocker, Gerfried n 95060014  
Stransky, Ferdinand, 1904-1981 n 80038746  
Thun-Hohenstein, Christoph no 98133854 374 justified by $u
Toronto International Film Festival (Toronto, Ont.) n 00145838 111 $c; 667 for series of festivals
Trbuljak, Goran no2008081579  
Turner, Richard (Artist), 1943- no2013063277 100 $c
Vaart, Jan van der, 1931- no2013104133
no "variants of variants" in references
Wiener, Ingrid n 96015611  
Wildbach, Bruno, 1964- no2012143854
Williams, Sarah, 1974 November 12- no2012143852
670 magazine article 



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