Welcome to the ARLIS/NA Cataloging Advisory Committee wiki.
Our official ARLIS/NA page is on the society's website at https://www.arlisna.org/cataloging-advisory-committee
This page is the former working site for CAC. Some of the documents are in draft status. Committee members have edit permission and others have viewing permission. If you have a PBWorks account, you can comment and please do. If you have a question about anything on this site, please do not hesitate to contact a committee member, e.g., William Blueher, interim 2023-2024 chair, william.blueher@metmuseum.org. The current 2023-2024 chair, presently on leave, is Tamara Fultz, tamara.fultz@metmuseum.org
The RDA-compliant chapters of Cataloging exhibition publications--best practices may be found on Humanities Commons.
To edit the pages, click on the "Edit" tab, located to the right of the "View" tab. Navigate the wiki by using the SideBar. Related pages are grouped together into Folders.
Comments (14)
Sherman Clarke said
at 3:31 pm on Jun 1, 2008
Maybe we can have folders for the SAC, MARBI, and CC:DA reps? I'm not sure where my draft SAC report is sitting now. I created a new page and the only place I see it here on the front page is in the list of new wiki activity. At work, we use Confluence for our wiki but I've only done a couple pbwiki comments in the past, and simple edits of established pages. We'll get there, I know. Somewhere I think it said that we PleBes couldn't create new folders.
Sarah Quimby said
at 3:38 pm on Jun 2, 2008
Good idea, Sherman. Behold the new SAC, MARBI, and CC:DA folders to the right! I've also moved the draft SAC report to the SAC folder for easy access. You've all been added to the wiki as "writers," meaning that you can create, upload, and edit pages. (Apparently, as "administrator," I am the "god of the wiki," but I will try not to smite too much.) I'm not sure if writers can create folders, but feel free to give it a try. I'm also happy to change everyone's security profile, if people feel that they need more editing power.
Sherman Clarke said
at 4:43 pm on Dec 17, 2008
Sorry, Sarah. I edited the subjects rough draft in Word and re-uploaded and THEN discovered that I should have just edited in pbwiki-wordprocessing. The Word document in the subject access folder is redundant but it won't let me delete it. Darn. Gotta get used to this wiki territory.
Sarah Quimby said
at 5:14 pm on Dec 26, 2008
No worries, Sherman! What's the acronym? LOCKSS? (Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe...)
Sherman Clarke said
at 1:50 pm on Dec 27, 2008
If you want to, you can delete the Word version of the rough draft; it's two versions (at least) out of date but I can't delete it. Maybe only you as administrator of this site can delete a file though any of us can edit or comment.
Sherman Clarke said
at 1:52 pm on Dec 27, 2008
I think the acronym is LOCCBAVN (lots of copies can be a versioning nightmare).
Sarah Quimby said
at 2:53 pm on Dec 30, 2008
Ha...very true. The file is now deleted.
Sherman Clarke said
at 12:08 am on Feb 16, 2009
Mark Bresnan asked about a government collection. I'm not sure his example (North Rhine-Palatinate) will stand up since it may be the name heading "Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen" but I did find one example of a jurisdiction's collection that was handled as "place -- art collections -- exhibitions." One out of 9600 does not a pattern make but should this be added to the subject guidelines?
LC Control No.: 81198652
LCCN Permalink: http://lccn.loc.gov/81198652
Type of Material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Main Title: Een Keuze uit het kerkelijk kunstbezit van de parochies van Groot-Herk-de-Stad : tentoonstelling ingericht in het Gemeentehuis van Herk-de-Stad van 21 september tot 5 oktober 1980.
Published/Created: Sint-Truiden : Provinciaal Museum voor Religieuze Kunst, 1980.
Related Names: Limburg (Belgium : Province). Provinciaal Museum voor Religieuze Kunst.
Description: 63 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
ISBN: 150F
Notes: Includes bibliographies.
Subjects: Christian art and symbolism --Belgium --Exhibitions.
Herk-de-Stad (Belgium) --Art collections --Exhibitions.
Series: Kunst & oudheden in Limburg ; 25
Kunst & oudheden in Limburg ; d. 25.
Sherman Clarke said
at 7:31 pm on Mar 23, 2009
That darn .docx -- if I were sitting at my MacBook with Leopard, I could probably open the annual report. Alas, I'm not and the version of Word here is not compatible. Can you reload it as a .doc or .rtf document? Thanks.
Sarah Quimby said
at 8:44 am on Mar 24, 2009
That Office 2007: it tells us that it saves in "Compatibility Mode", but it lies, it lies...It's a web page now at http://arliscac.pbwiki.com/Draft%3A-ARLIS-CAC-2008-Annual-Report.
Sherman Clarke said
at 11:02 am on Feb 3, 2010
Can we make it so these comments file in reverse chronological order?
Sherman Clarke said
at 11:06 am on Feb 3, 2010
OK, answered my own question: checked out Help and it looks like you can only change the order of comments if you have a Premium account.
Marie-Chantal Coelho said
at 7:42 pm on Mar 21, 2016
Hi everyone. As we mentioned during our last meeting in Seattle, the draft for world-wide review of the FRBR-Library Reference Model has been made available last month. The entire library community is invited to comment on the model. I've just uploaded the document in the "Working documents" section of the wiki. If you have any comments, please don't hesitate to contact us. Comments will be reviewed by the CAC and forwarded to the CC:DA Task Force charged with preparing a review of the model. Please send us your feedback before April 15th, 2016.
Marie-Chantal Coelho said
at 7:45 pm on Mar 21, 2016
You don't have permission to comment on this page.